0=&Before Starting Engines, Before Starting Engines
1=&Before Starting Engines Completion
2=&Starting Engines, Starting Engines
3=&Before Taxi, BeforeTaxi
4=&Before Taxi Completion
5=&Taxi, Taxi
6=&Before Takeoff, Before Takeoff
7=&Before Takeoff Completion
8=&Takeoff, Takeoff
9=&After Takeoff, After Takeoff
10=&Cruise, Cruise
11=&Descent, Descent
12=&Before Landing, Before Landing
13=&Approach, Approach
14=&After Landing, After Landing
15=&Engine Shutdown, Engine Shutdown

0=Forms - Checked.
1=Oxygen - Set (all crewmembers).
2=SCNS/GPS - Set.
3=Radios - On/Set (request start clearance).
4=Head Up Display - Installed and Checked (if needed).
5=Clear/Start GTC/APU.
6=Lights - Set.
7=Fuel - Checked (total quantity and balance limitations).

0=Ramp and Door Controls - Neutral.
1=Hydraulic Panel - Set (emergency brakes and all pumps on).
2=Parking Brake - Set, pressure checked, remove chocks.
3=Throttles - Ground Idle.
4=Flap Handle - Set (confirm to setting on gauge).
5=Chocks - Removed.

0=Clear/Start #3 Engine.
1=Remove External Equipment (ground power cart).
2=Clear/Start #4 Engine.
3=External Equipment - Removed.
4=Clear/Start #2 Engine.
5=Clear/Start #1 Engine.
6=Secure Crew Entrance Door.

0=Compass System and Heading Indicators - Checked and Verified.
1=Radios and Navigation Equipment - Set (all necessary radios, instruments, and RADAR altimeter on).
2=IFF/Transponder - Checked/Standby.
3=Flaps - Set 50% for normal takeoff.
4=Flaps - Set 100% for short runway takeoff (~3100 ft).
5=Hydraulic Pressures - Checked.

0=Autopilot - Off.
1=Instruments - Checked.
2=SCNS/GPS - Checked.
3=Altimeters - Set (local setting).
4=Taxi Light - On.

0=Brakes - Checked (emergency then switch/check normal).
1=Instruments - Checked (proper movement and displacement during left and right turn).

0=Safety Belt/Shoulder Harness - Fastened/Unlocked.
1=Trim Tabs - Set (8° up).
2=Flight Controls - Checked (freedom of movement).
3=Hydraulic Pressures - Checked.
4=Crew Briefing - Completed (include TOLD, departure instructions, and takeoff emergencies).

0=Instruments - Set (for departure).
1=SCNS/GPS - Enhanced Interrupted Alignment Complete (if needed).
2=Exterior Lights - Set (extend and turn on landing lights).
3=IFF/Transponder - On/Set.

0=Hold Brakes and Set Power to 80% RPM.
1=Release Brakes.
2=Raise Power to 100% (do not exceed max torque) while Rolling.
3=Takeoff Speed: 95-115KIAS (depending on weight and flap position).
4=Rotate/Establish 15 Degrees Nose Up.

0=Landing Gear - Up (upon positive indication of climb).
1=Flaps - Slowly Up (after gear retracts).
2=Taxi/Landing Lights - Off and Retract.
3=Aux Hydraulic Pump - Off. 
4=Leading Edge Anti-Ice - Checked.
5=Accelerate to 180KIAS for Climb.

0=Climb to Cruise Altitude.
1=Set Cruise Speed: 230-450KTAS (calculation= cruise altitude x4 then subtract from desired cruise KTAS to obtain desired KIAS {e.g., FL250x4=100; 280KTAS-100=180KIAS}).

0=Crew Briefing - Complete (brief weather, airport, approach, and emergency {if needed} information).
1=Landing Data - Checked.
2=Safety Belt/Shoulder Harness - Fastened/Unlocked.
3=RADAR Altimeter - Set (for approach).
4=Altimeters - Set (local setting).

0=Head Up Display - Installed and Checked (if needed).
1=Hydraulic Panel - Set (aux hydraulic pump on).
2=ADI and Flight Director - Set (for approach).
3=Lights - Set (landing and taxi lights on).

0=Flaps - Set 50% for approach.
1=Landing Gear - Down (after flaps are set and confirm 5 green).
2=Flaps - Keep at 50% for normal touchdown.
3=Flaps - Set 100% for short runway touchdown (~3100 ft).
4=Approach Speed 140-120KIAS, Touchdown Speed 110-90KIAS (depending on weight and flap position).

0=Contact Ground Control.
1=Flaps - Up.
2=Unnecessary Equipment - Off (IFF/transponder and unnecessary nav/comm radios).
3=Start GTC/APU.
4=Lights - As Required.
5=Shutdown Symmetrical Engines (as needed).

0=Nosewheel and Parking Brake -  Centered and Set.
1=Engine Shutdown - Complete.
2=RADAR Altimeter - Off.
3=Oxygen - Off (all crewmembers).
4=Exits - Clear/Insert Chocks.
5=Chocks - In Place.
6=Parking Brake - Released.
7=Hydraulic Panel - Set (aux and suction boost pumps off).
8=Lights - Off.